Monday, April 4, 2011

IEEE prepares to regulate the cloud

IEEE has announced that it will begin a new initiative that aim to put in place a set of global standards for cloud computing. The standards will be put forth in two projects: IEEE P2301 which they say will
provide an “intuitive roadmap” for firms such as HP, which is beginning to roll out cloud services.
It is hoped that the P2301 standards give more clarity to users over what they are buying into as the move to cloud computing gathers pace.
      The second project P2302 will define protocols and functionality that are required to enable the cloud-to-cloud interoperability demanded by users, which it claims will have the effect that for example, naming and routing protocols did for the Internet.

The man leading the proposals, Steve Diamond
believes that just as the early Internet caused an upheaval in the way information was transformed, the cloud is similarly “disruptive technology and business model that is primed for explosive growth and rapid transformation”.
     He also claims that “without a flexible, common framework for interoperability," innovation could become stifled.
No one knows how restrictive the regulations will be but there is talk in some quarters that over-regulation would not be beneficial. With the big companies like Microsoft and IBM pushing cloud forward and the responses of business to it, mass migration to the cloud will probably be happening sooner rather than later.

The cloud cometh...

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