Thursday, March 31, 2011

Digital Nation assignment

1. In my opinion, multitasking can be a boost to performance in certain applications, but the human brain is not wired for it, and it is not good for your mental health if you excessively defy this biological basis. Can be very detrimental to the learning process.

2. Addiction is not something I will say is limited in it's targets, people with the predilection to additive behaviour can easily find themselves "hooked" on just about anything, but I am a firm believer that it is not set in stone and that all addictions can be overcome with enough willpower, and proper support. I don't know many people that I would say are addicted to games, most of them are sadly casual players, but my  mother does show a bent towards addiction and could easily be pushed into it given the right circumstances.

3. I do not feel that this is a good thing, such a limited depth of content suggests many more issues. While multitasking can be helpful, and give a powerful sense of achievement when pulled off, if it hinders the ability to focus on a single subject at a time then it begins to get into a troubling area.

4. Short term concentration may indeed be where things are headed, but I still believe that being able to focus for long periods on a single subject is very important. People are already to shallow for my taste.

5. I think that it is a powerful tool in solving America's education problem but not the sole answer. I was raised by  a humble family, we did not have the means to be early adopters of new technologies, I always got hand-me-downs or custom dinosaur computers, that barely ran, but from the moment I first used an Apple II in school to play the simple education games available I was changed, and as soon as I got regular access to my first computer (My aunt's Win3.1 machine with roaring fast 28.8 baud dial up!) my universe expanded so fast I swear I felt like a god for a second as I saw everything explode in front of me and I watched time begin, end and begin again and fast forwarded to where I was in that scale. A little dramatic, sure =p, but it really was a life changing experience. Alas, I digress... If I had a computer in school, things would have gone much better for me I think, but it wouldn't have solved all my problems. People seem to be keen on it because they see somehting missing in education, and there is, but throwing technology at the issue is not going to help raise well rounded students.

well that's about it.

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