Thursday, April 21, 2011

Triumph of the Nerds Pt. 3

The Macintosh launch put a big goofy grin on my face, it was geektastic =p.
Oracle guy( Larry Allison) predicted cloud computing future for Internet. You hear about vision and such but until you experience it for yourself it really doe snto sink in how neat it is. How today the things Allison said are coming to pass, how apt it is that he heads Oracle.

      I found that I do not like Steve Jobs as a person... and it is amazing how such personalities succeed in so many ways, despite even open distaste for the person. A little bit off topic but I think it is an interesting note anyway. You expect something more from people you hear about but they are just people, and not even likable ones at that.

      I always like when i can feel like the information I have is useful or at least able to be referenced, such as when he talked about Windows 95 and how it did away with DOS, I was thinking "Well it combined DOS and the previous Windows GUI into something new but similar, DOS was not really done away with until Windows 2000/NT (If I recall correctly). Sorta nice to feel smart =p.

      Such rampant piracy would seem like a bad thing but I think that short of the open source philosophy it is one of the major ways things can change and get better, you see something neat and think "I could do better" is the heart of what drives innovation in my opinion. Some would say well how would you feel if someone blatantly stole your idea and got rich off of it. Sure I would be frustrated maybe a little angry, but really who can I be mad at besides myself, if I failed to capitalize on something someone else did after I had the idea. I would try to take the enlightened approach to the topic and try to use it as either a way to get better (so it does not happen again) or to gain some small solace in the fact that my contribution, even though unrecognized maybe, would still go towards making things better overall, an I would like that.

      I really liked the movie overall, but then again I also like cheesy horror movies, and Farside comics, so take from that what you will =p.

I realize this post had a lot more emoticons in it, but thats just the mood i'm in at the moment and you should just be thankful that I did not use internet/game slang the 4-5 time I could have >=P. Also I would not do you (read: no one, because this blog will never get read, except mabye the teacher) the injustice of shielding you from the full force of my textual charisma.


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