lasers are always better, but besides that it is more efficient, you get a cleaner burn because lasers can ignite leaner fuel mixtures without wearing like standard electrical arc spark plugs. They also can be focused closer to the center of the piston to produce a more complete burn, and achieve more power, with less waste and byproduct.
Japanese researchers from National Institutes of Natural Sciences in Japan, have designed a ceramic two beam laser small enough to fit into a cylinder. Besides more complete combustion the lasers Will also produce a quicker combustion; normal plugs take milliseconds, but laser plugs will take nanoseconds to do the same thing better! How neato is that, they haven't actually started producing these plugs yet but are working with a large, unnamed spark plug company and DENSO Corp.
They say they can be produced economically in large quantities so if things work out we could soon have laser plugs in most car engines, as Ford is working on something similar to this for itself. More fuel economy is a welcome change in this market with gas prices how they are, plus it is just plain cool =p
As usual I left out the techobabble for various reasons but here is the link to the article I saw as well as the main article.!5794073/your-new-cars-engine-will-work-with-lasers-not-spark-plugs
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