Alice Parker and Chongwu Zhou of USC used carbon nanotubes to mimic synapses used in the human brain, they feel that while they are still decades away from true artificial brains that this is a big step in the right irection, the biggest problem is with scale, producing nanotubes on that scale is still not quite up to snuff.
Artificial brains could be utilized for AI applications but the biggest problem is with the limited plasticity of the nanotubes, real synapses can adjust, multiply and die off as needed, as apposed o the inherently stactic nature of nanotube synapses.
Mabye if they utilize some of the phase change materials being developed they could possibly create an artificial brain, but the technology is still ahead of us.
It was a pretty short article so there is not much else to say about it, but it is sort of neat to be up to date on the new breakthroughs in technology.
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